by Anna
(Hong Kong)
Hi Michelle
Your fasting weight loss goal is quite aggressive, yet realistic and achievable. To make it work for you, here is my suggested agenda.
The First Week – Juice Fasting (Fresh Juice please)
You will likely shed 7-10 pounds. To start with juice fasting is relatively easy. If you are afraid of hunger, try to replace lunch with a glass of prune juice. That will create a feeling of fullness within your stomach and will help you to stay through the first three days much easier. The first few days are likely to be difficult. Passing that you won’t feel hungry and the whole process will become very smooth.
The Second Week – Water Fasting (Distilled Water please)
You will likely shed another 7-10 pounds. You won’t feel hungry at this stage. If you are happy with the progress, you can extend for another week for speedy results.
The Third and Fourth Week – Alternate Day Fasting
Depends on how it fits into your schedule, you may continue with ADF until you’ve lost 40 pounds or so. As ADF may affect your work/social life, I would suggest this as a transitional fasting plan before you move on to a more flexible approach of intermittent fasting. Please break fast with raw fruits and juices. Light meals for lunch and dinner with lots of fresh vegetables.
Fifth Week Onward – Flexible Intermittent Fasting
When you are up to this stage, you should find fasting weight loss works like miracle. Let IF continue complete your 80-pound goal. Do it in a flexible manner. My personal experience is to make it unplanned. Make fasting silently merge into your lifestyle. You may do some experiments to see what works best for you. Personally the one-meal approach suits me best. I eat dinner only most of the time. Just skip two to four major meals in a week will let you continue with the weight loss process until your 80-pound goal is achieved, probably within six months. I look forward to seeing your new look. Please upload your before and after photos if available.
Please download a weight loss chart from this website which will greatly help recording your progress.
Last but not the least, when you complete this weight loss project, I'm sure you'll love the IF way of eating and won't look back to your old way of eating. If you do some regular daily exercises, there is no way for you to get fat again. Wish you all the best!
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